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The Higher Self Oracle Updates

The Higher Self Oracle was created to help you connect with your Higher Self for guidance through your life's journey. The Higher Self is your true divine identity, an indwelling loving guide of light with an evolved state of consciousness that resides within each individual. It holds the knowledge of our previous incarnations and is aware of our goals, hopes, and dreams and our life lessons. The Higher Self desires to guide us through the lessons embedded in our life’s journey which may include challenges such as failure, worry, change, transformation, worthiness, courage, and confusion. The Higher Self Oracle tackles these challenges and connects you to your Higher Self so that it can help you surmount them with ease.

You may want to begin by clearing the deck with sage, cedar, pine, or palo santo. Knock on the deck three times to knock out the current energy. Begin mixing the cards utilizing your own personal style. When shuffling the cards, you may simply ask your Higher Self what you need to know, or ask your Higher Self a few questions and then pull cards for guidance. The oracle deck comes in a tin case with a guidebook that is replete with inspiring quotes selected to uplift you during darker moments to help you see the light. Here is a preview of some of the oracle cards along with the guidebook.

The guidebook comes with techniques to help you connect to your Higher Self and enhance your experience working with the deck. These techniques include meditation, journaling, and working in the realm of music. For example, let’s say you pull the Boundaries card, you may want to consider asking your Higher Self to share a song with you to help you better understand the message of the card. Your Higher Self will send a song with very specific lyrics your way to help you better discern the spiritual message.

You may pull a card, such as the Take the First Step card, where you might want to consider using the Heart Exercise to help you tap into more messages from your Higher Self.

The exercise is a follows:

  1. Close your eyes and quiet the mind

  2. Place your hand on your heart

  3. Breathe deeply in and out five times

  4. Ask you Higher Self for clarity about the card pulled

  5. Listen to the first message you receive

Or let's say you pull the Transformation card.

You may want to grab a journal, sit down, and ask your Higher Self questions about what transformation it’s referring to. The journal exercise is as follows:

  1. Grab a journal and pen

  2. Close your eyes and quiet the mind

  3. Breathe deeply in and out five times

  4. Call in your Higher Self - ask it to please assist you through this exercise

  5. Ask your Higher Self to provide clarity on the card you pulled

  6. Document the messages received

This deck includes two special spreads, the Higher Self spread and Healed Heart spread. You can use the Higher Self spread for problem solving and recommendations from the wisdom of your own Higher Self. On many traditional spiritual paths, it is recommended to heal the heart to connect better to the High Self. This deck includes the Healed Heart spread that can be used to identify what needs to be healed and purified in your heart.

Here is an example of the Healed Heart Spread using the cards from the deck:

Card 1: The Light, what needs to be healed in your heart, Card 2: Forgiveness, What steps need to be taken to begin the healing process, Card 3: Patience, What needs to be forgiven, Card 4: Acceptance, Results of a healed heart and possible next steps.

When shuffling the cards, you may experience the phenomenon that is called, jumping cards. Sometimes when we are in the process of shuffling cards an oracle card may jump from the deck unexpectedly, this is usually a very important message from our Higher Self that needs our attention. If this occurs on your end, make sure to review the message in the guidebook for further insight and take the message to heart as your Higher Self wishes it to be at the forefront of your attention.

If you are an avid card reader and like to combine decks for a much deeper experience, you may want to consider including the Higher Self Oracle with other oracle cards and/or the tarot for more insight into the message. This deck can help answer questions related to love, finance, manifestation, and well-being.

When you have completed your reading, you may want to clear the deck once more in preparation for the next reading. Return the deck back to your tin case for protection. The goal of this deck is to connect you to your own Higher Self or Higher internal guidance system to help you throughout your life’s journey. I hope you enjoy the deck and I wish you well on your personal journey.

About the Author

Deanna Marie Riddick is an author, Podcast Host, and Reiki Practitioner. She is the author of, Awakening the Psychic Self: A Christian Perspective, the Higher Self Oracle, and the host of the Intuitive Awakening Podcast. Deanna teaches Psychic development workshops and classes nationwide and offers Usui Reiki throughout the United States. For more information, please visit her website at:

About the Illustrator

Deborah Rodriguez-Capacetti is an artist and passionate animal lover who lives in phoenix, arizona. She has dedicated her life to making a positive difference in the world with her talent in art and love of life. She grew up in Texas and moved to Arizona to attend the Art Institute of Phoenix. Her passion for art has been with her since she was young. Her dream is to continue to create inspirational art that will help animals and people in need. She can be found at


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